Shadow Child

"Why do you cry dear child?
Why do you shed these tears?"
Because no one can see them
Down here in the Deep.
"Why do you hide here little one,
In this place of no shadow?"
In here, the darkness shields me
From the evils of the world.
"What are you so afraid of,
To hide from the world above?"
I fear their tell- tale eyes
And words they tell me not.
"But there are many good deeds.
So why not see them yourself?"
Alas, they are the worst kind,
Ones that destroy all my barriers.
"Do you not feel lonely dear,
By yourself in this nameless place?"
I live in fear of discovering
That I am made up of lies.
"Do you think that nobody
Can love you and be your friend?"
Upon me is placed a dark curse
That destroys all who approach my heart.
"I will love you, my child
With all the kindness in my heart."
You will be wise to stay away.
See, already your hand burns.
"Reach out to me, dear one.
Take my hand and I shall pull you out."
Stay away you fool! Stay away!
Turn back and leave me be.
"Hurry! Come with me into the light.
Come, and you shall be happy."
Darkness is my domain, nothing can hurt me
Down here in the Deep.


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